by FASHIONNATIC ♥ATHENNA set - Sizes for Maitreya, Lara Petite, Legacy, Reborn, LaraX, PetiteX for the Colors Top -Hud to Choose 55 colors for multiple parts + 25extra textures for the top. Specular on/off. for the Colors Shorts -Hud to Choose 55 colors for multiple parts + 25 extra textures for the Shorts. 4 Metals,Specular on/off. for the Denim - Jeans Shorts -Hud to Choose 40 denim textures for the Shorts. 4 Metals,Specular on/off. for the Boots - HUD to choose 55 colors for multiple parts. 4 Metals, Specular on/off. NO CLASSIC AVATARS - NO STANDARD SIZES 100% Mesh / Rigged MP In Word